Saturday, November 8, 2014

RWBY Volume 2

After waiting weeks and weeks I finally got to see RWBY Volume 2! No I didn't see the premiere RTX and I may never get to go to RTX ever based on my busy schedule. Anyway I watched Volume 2 from beginning to end and saw some improvements and lacking traits. In the end I felt a little disappointed and wish it would have turned out better. For those checking in and unfamiliar with what I'm discussing I suggest you read my earlier post about RWBY Volume 1.

I have to say that on a positive note I did see that the episode length has dramatically increased. The episodes are released in chapters and are about 12 minutes long on average. A lot more material was presented in this length. Just like Volume 1 I'm begging for more despite all the material they've managed to fit in these longer episodes. Another point I mentioned that they needed to fix was character development. I must admit though that the creators are constantly adding more and more characters which I hope will slow down. Nevertheless I saw some great character development in Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang. We also get to see a little more development in other characters such Ozpin, Juane, Roman, and several others. Lastly there's still a ton of action and a decent soundtrack which is also noticeable in Volume 1. Despite noticing these changes, I hate to admit it; but the truth is that this volume falls a little short compared to the first volume.

The biggest issue I had was the plot's pacing and that I didn't feel I was getting anywhere. When I first heard the show's new introduction, my first impression was that this volume would deliver a darker tone and critical plot development. Unfortunately I only saw it for about half of the volume. Episodes 1-5 showed that something big was going to happen but then when it got to Episodes 6-9 it slowed down heavily. Episodes 10-12 did pick up but unfortunately it felt too late for there to be critical plot development. I also feel that the creators haven't really gotten anywhere with what the villains' motives are and that there are still plot holes left to fill. Such plot holes include Penny's story, the new faces in the ring of villains, the villains' effects on the school, and the rest you'll have to see on your own. Another issue that I previously mentioned is that too many characters are being added. They may be important at least try to add a detail or too about them earlier in the volume. I noticed that at least three to six new characters have been added and it's really dragging the story down a bit. The only other complaint I have is continually begging the question, "What's going to happen next?" I know this is pretty much a major question in most shows but for this particular series I truly feel that question should have been answered. If not all the way answered at least to a point where it's understandable.


  • Improvements such as increased episode length and development of main characters
  • Same awesome fight scenes
  • Still awesome soundtrack
  • Slow paced plot
  • Too many additional characters
  • Unanswered plot holes
  • "What is going to happen next?"
I have to rate this season at least 3 to 3.5 out of five stars. Yes I did enjoy the volume but I had higher hopes for it. Maybe Volume 3 will be better and have what I'm expecting to see, I don't know. I may have a change of heart when I watch the DVD/Blu-Ray with audio commentary. Maybe the commentary will give me extra insight or confirm my views mentioned here. I still recommend you check the show out for yourself and judge it on your own terms. Other than that I'll just have to see what Volume 3 will present!

Thanks goes to Roosterteeth and Google images. I do not own any material and this is for educational purposes only.

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